This article explains how to install various development tools using the new Windows Subsystem for Linux that is available on Windows 10.
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux
In order to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux, it must be installed. The following link explains how to install this functionality in Windows 10:
Update Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
Once installed, it is a good idea to update to the latest version of the Ubuntu binaries. Issuing the following commands from the Bash shell will accomplish this:
me@COMPUTER:~$ sudo apt-get update
me@COMPUTER:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Install zip and unzip
Before you can install the Java JDK or any of the other tools, zip and unzip will need to be installed.
Install unzip
To install unzip:
me@COMPUTER:~$ sudo apt-get install unzip
To verify unzip was installed correctly:
me@COMPUTER:~$ unzip -v
Install zip
To install zip:
me@COMPUTER:~$ sudo apt-get install zip
To verify zip was installed correctly:
me@COMPUTER:~$ zip -v
Install the latest Java JDK
A nice shell script that can be used to install the Java JDK on the Windows Subsystem for Linux can be found on the following Stack Overflow article:
The URL for the latest version of the Java JDK can be found at:
To verify which version of Java was installed:
me@COMPUTER:~$ java -version
Install SDKMAN!
SDKMAN! is a tool for managing parallel versions of multiple Software Development Kits on most Unix based systems. Instructions on how to install SDKMAN! can be found on the SDKMAN! website:
Once SDKMAN! is installed, it can be used to install other tools, like Groovy or Grails.
Install Groovy
To install Groovy, issue the following command from the Bash shell:
me@COMPUTER:~$ sdk install groovy
Install Grails
To install Grails, issue the following command from the Bash shell:
me@COMPUTER:~$ sdk install grails
Once grails is installed, the steps outlined in the Grails documentation can be followed to create a “Hello World” application:
Note: I had to create the helloworld directory and navigate to it before I issued the create-app command:
me@COMPUTER:~$ mkdir helloworld
me@COMPUTER:~$ cd helloworld
me@COMPUTER:~/helloworld$ grails create-app helloworld
Once I created my Grails application and the HelloController, I was able to start my application from either the Bash shell or the Windows Command Line using the following commands:
Bash Shell
me@COMPUTER:~/helloworld$ ./gradlew bootRun
:compileJava NO-SOURCE
Grails application running at http://localhost:8080 in environment: development
> Building 85% > :bootRun
Windows Command Line
C:\...\helloworld>gradlew bootRun
:compileJava NO-SOURCE
Grails application running at http://localhost:8080 in environment: development
> Building 85% > :bootRun